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Want to find out what users think about your designs at first glance? We recommend trying out a 5 second test using our UserQ platform.
But what is a 5 second test, exactly? What does the test involve? And why are they so effective for gaining both qualitative and quantitative data to improve the quality of your digital products?
In this guide, we give a step-by-step tutorial on how to create, run, and analyse a 5 second test using our platform.
It’s a user research tool that measures first impressions of a digital product. The aim is to gauge what people like and dislike about your design, what’s right and wrong about your first mock-up – all within the first 5 five seconds.
Although they’re most commonly used for websites and apps, 5 second tests are also effective for measuring first impressions on specific design elements including logos, images, graphics, fonts, etc.
No matter what you’re getting feedback on, you can gain valuable quantitative and qualitative data that helps you make smarter, more informed decisions based on what users think and feel about you. It’s all about getting the insights you need to help shape your products for the better.
We also recommend re-running 5 second tests with edited and amended designs. That way you can level up and repeat until you’re 100% happy with the results of your finished product and that the feedback is what you want it to be.
It’s pretty simple. Participants will be shown the design for 5 seconds only and then asked a series of questions based on their initial reactions to what they’ve just seen. The 5 second test questions can include a variety of things such as:
The questions you ask depend on what you want to measure and find out about your users’ first impressions. For example, if you want feedback on your website’s design, be sure to ask design-focused questions based on the site’s visual elements and overall aesthetics.
Or if you’re after an understanding of how well your brand message comes across on your website, ask plenty of brand-led questions. After all, you don’t want users having to guess what you and your site’s about.
Well, many scientific studies show that the average online browser spends just a few seconds on a website before deciding whether they want to leave or not — so first impressions count!
Now that we’ve explained exactly what a 5 second test is, it’s time to create yours…
Create test, choose type of test
Tip: your test name is visible to participants…make it appropriate.
This is your chance to introduce participants to the 5 second test they’re about to take part in.
By default, a generic title and description are already pre-populated. You can choose to proceed without making any changes to them, or personalise your own…
Create test, edit welcome page
These questions help you gain deeper insights into who your participants are.
Where you’ll find everything you need to create your 5 second test, including your tasks and design upload…
The task details will be shown to the participant prior to introducing the design.
5 second test_create task
Tip: keep the task simple and straightforward to put your participants at ease. The task description is your chance to let them know the purpose of the task ahead.
Next, select the design you want participants to view. You can upload one design image only.
By default, the image will be shown to participants for 5 seconds only. Research shows this is just enough time for users to remember certain key aspects of it.
Tip: preview the test by clicking on the ‘Preview test’ box in the top right-hand corner. This will show you exactly what participants see from their end.
These are what you want to ask participants regarding the design they’ve just seen.
There are six types of questions you can choose from: Free text, Single choice, Multiple-choice, Likert scale, Ranking scale, and Rating scale.
Tip: we recommend using open-ended questions to gain more in-depth qualitative feedback, including what they can recall or what grabbed their attention. They also avoid the risk of cognitive bias because you’re leaving it up to the participant to say exactly what they think or feel – rather than subconsciously hinting at the answers for them.
Here you can thank the participants for their time and show your appreciation.
Once the test has been built, it’s time to publish it. Start by finding participants…
You can either choose to recruit from the UserQ panel or share the link with your own participants.
If you want to use your own participants, skip to step b.
i. Filter by Demographics
Next, switch on the demographic filtering feature, where you can target participants from a variety of demographics, including age, gender, nationality, etc. Use our estimated panel size widget (on the right) for real-time information on how many testers we have in our pool, based on your selected demographics. It also provides feedback on your survey’s results speed, ie. how long you’ll have to wait to get all the results.
The broader the panel, the faster the results come in.
Tip: customise your participant pool to the target market of your digital product. For example, if you’re creating a 5 second test for an online store that operates solely in the UAE, you’ll likely get the best, most valid results if you select participants who reside in the UAE.
ii. Add screening questions (optional)
Toggle this option, to add screening questions to your study. These questions will appear one-by-one to the tester as ‘pre-test questions’. Their responses will determine whether they are eligible to continue to the study.
You can add up to a maximum of 3, single-choice questions to identify the most suitable participants for your study. Each question can have a maximum of 5 responses and must be classified as either a good fit or no fit.
Good fit = Responses that match your criteria for the study and are eligible to take the test or continue on to the next question (in the case of multiple screener questions). Your credits will be spent only on the “Good fit” participants.
Not fit = Response that are not a good fit for the study and the tester will not be able to access the test.
Bonus Tip: Identify your target audience by asking them pre-test questions. For example, if you’re creating a survey for a car company operating in the UAE, add screener questions to your study like, “Do you have a valid UAE driver’s license?” or “Do you own a car?”. This ensures that the data collected is relevant to your research and enables you to make informed decisions.
You can share the link with your own testers panel at no extra cost. However, we recommend recruiting from our UserQ panel due to you getting full use of our wide-reaching participant demographic data, including: age, gender, nationality, residency, confidence with technology, employment status, and household status. By using this data, there’ll be no need for you to ask demographic questions in the test itself.
Tip: apply a promo code if you’ve got one.
Congratulations, your 5 second test is now live.
You’ll get a shareable link for the test, no matter whether you’ve selected a UserQ panel or have chosen your own participants only.
Are you ready to build your 5 second test? Join as a researcher and you’ll get the feedback you need in just minutes.
Need help with building your 5 second test? We can lend a hand.
Send a message to: support@userq.com to get in touch. We’re always happy to answer any questions you might have.
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