
How can I improve my score?

You can improve your rating by providing high-quality responses on future tests and even achieve a 100% rating over time....

What is a tester score and how is it assessed?

The tester score is an important measure of your performance as a tester. It is assessed by taking into consideration...

I think there is an error with the test I’m taking. What should I do?

If you notice a glitch in your test or that something doesn’t seem to be working, you should get in touch with...

How do I take tests on UserQ?

Each test you take on UserQ will be different, but you’ll find clear and easy to follow instructions on each...

How long does a test run for?

The researchers who create the test decide how long it runs for. That’s why it’s best that when you receive...

How can I increase my chances of being selected for a test?

Our community of researchers are actively gathering insights for a range of digital experiences, so make sure to sign-in regularly...

If I don’t complete a test, will I still be paid?

As a UserQ tester, you must get to the end of the test that you’re taking until you see a...

How often can I take UserQ tests?

Whenever you fit the right requirements that a researcher is looking for, we’ll send you an email or notification to...

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